Sunday, January 18, 2009


Poison from within
Killing off these trees I was given

My forest thin
Skies darkening
Only the Maker can resurrect

Paths blocked from roots upturned
Branches beaten, broken, battered

The rains come
No shelter to be found
I look up, my tears are washed to the ground
My hair dripping, clothes clinging
I shiver and shake

Prayers offered up
that the Sun will shine and bring new growth

But for now I embrace this storm.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Autumn to winter, winter into spring,
Spring into summer, summer into fall, —
So rolls the changing year, and so we change;
Motion so swift, we know not that we move.
-Dinah Craik

How true is it that we can so easily get caught up in ourselves and our day to day to life that we don't even take notice of the changes that occur with in us and around us. I don't want to move so fast that I don't take notice to all the little things that can add such beauty to this world of shades of gray